Iranian Diaspora's Convention Expressed Support for Iranian Resistance, Rejected Rouhani as Part of the Ayatollah's Regime
PARIS, February 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
A conclave of the Iranian Diaspora from more than a score of countries on four continents called today for the "overthrow of the clerical regime and the establishment of a democratic republic based on the separation of the mosque and the state that would respect all individual and political freedoms.
The "Universal Convention of Iranian Communities" took place on the eve of the 35th anniversary of anti-monarchial revolution. Attendees included representatives of more than 300 associations from all over the world.
The delegates condemned the actions of Tehran including the execution of 120,000 political prisoners, the suppression of women; and discrimination against the ethnic and religious minorities under the cloak of religion.
The delegates cited the mass execution of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) members at Camp Ashraf last September 1, 2013, and attacks on Camp Liberty with the help of the Maliki government.
The convention's declaration called for the overthrow of the clerical regime and the establishment of a democratic republic. It labeled Hassan Rouhani, as part and parcel of the theocratic regime who has been involved in every crime by the regime from day one and whose only mission is to preserve the system and avert its overthrow by the people.
The delegates condemned the silence of the international community in face of the barbaric violation of human rights in Iran and emphasized that the problem of the Iranian people and the people of the region with this regime goes beyond the nuclear issue.
They urged support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as the only democratic alternative to the clerical regime and supported the 10-point platform of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of NCRI, as imperative for the establishment of a democratic regime in Iran.
The convention declared that the PMOI/MEK members in Camp Liberty are the Iranian people's most precious asset in the struggle against religious fascism and to achieve democracy in Iran, and condemned the violation of commitments on the part of the UN and the U.S. to protect Camp Liberty residents.
Mrs. Rajavi was the key speaker to this grand convention. She called the past 35 years of rule of the Velayat-e faqih as a "never-ending story of catastrophes". Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that this regime is a defeated system and is at the end of its rope in all respects and the Iranian society stands ready to change this regime.
SOURCE Iran News Update
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